Hello & Welcome

A note from the author

Hello there and welcome to my blog.


You can expect my posts on a weekly basis. I will write about work, Dota and things I find inspiring. You can always reach out to me via email or join my community discord if you have any questions or would simply like to learn more about certain topics.


For my first ever blog post, I decided to start by showing you how content production looks like at Tier S and the process of creation of the pieces which we put out on a daily basis.


The current setup and processes come from my 6-year-long agency experience and dealing with clients in gaming, esports and countless, sleepless nights where I was switching between Dota and work, thinking about how to optimize our output as a team. My worst performance in Dota games (45% win rate) is the one between 3AM to 6AM. I love thinking about work during the night as there are no distractions, so a lot of these things that I’m about to show you were developed during night time, when MMR was lost.


In this series of blog posts, I will break down how you can set up the team that produces the work, processes that take place and how ideas become reality, with special mention of the ‘layers of work’ as I like to call them. This will probably be outdated 3-6 months from now as we are constantly trying to improve our work and its output. Regardless, I believe this structure is very strong and can be very helpful irrespective of whether you work alone or with a smaller/bigger team.


Thank you, I hope you will enjoy this.


Thank you for taking the time to read my posts! I am happy to share more things that I've learned and you have interest in. You can subscribe to my email list below, I will be sending weekly updates about my posts. Your email won't be shared anywhere!